China Mobile
America Movil
Deutsche Telekom

SPUG Consulting


The mission of SPUG Consulting is to deliver leadership, strategy, consulting solutions, product & program management, roadmap, business case, and financial analysis for global communication service providers in the following areas:

> Digital Transformation / Network Transformation
> Service Management / Network Management
> Database Management / Data Analytics
> Cloud Migration
> IoT
> Wireless Communications



Business Analysis

We study your objectives, the market, relevant technologies, and competition, and recommend the technical options most suitable and closer to your goals. We work with you and for your best interests.

Strategy and Business Consulting

With our wide experience from earlier engagements and successful handling of complex problems, we analyze your business problems and provide 'Plan of Action' with detailed steps, milestones and intermediate checks that leads to improvement.

Business Case Analysis

We perform the analysis and provide you with all the data you need to make an informed decision on any given task/project - whether to undertake it and if so, what are the costs and risks involved and rewards expected. A detailed risk mitigation plan will also be developed.

Custom App Development

After studying the marketplace for technical options, there might come a situation where no product/application satisfies the requirements at hand, or even comes close. It could become prohibitively expensive (from a cost-benefit perspective) to customize some products. In such situations, we provide high quality and proven technical expertise for developing custom solutions, which conform to your requirements, and are modular as well as based on standard and open technologies (unless requirements dictate otherwise).

Facilitate Stakeholder Networking

With our experience in organizing events well attended by service providers and vendors alike over the years, we will facilitate focused stakeholder networking sessions, aimed at having the various parties interested in a common outcome, communicate with each other coherently and with the goal in mind.

Evaulation & Verification

With many vendors' claims of their applications' many capabilities falling short of meeting your requirements, we take the burden away from you by providing independent evaluation of the vendor's product claims and present you with the true picture so you can make an informed decision and save your time and resources for better things that matter to you.

IOT Facilitation

Our working relationships with a wide array of service providers and vendors stand us in good stead in bringing the right parties to the table for conducting inter operability testing of their products. We do this in a neutral environment, keeping your interests and requirements in mind and you would reap the benefits.

Independent Application Verification

We check and verify that an application meets the requirements and offer our evaluation services to you at product level as well as project level where we come in at pre-agreed checkpoints of a program to verify the progress of tasks and assess the plan of action to make sure it is bound to succeed.

New Techology Trials

Often times vendors introduce new technologies and/or products that could either spread your technical resources thin or you are forced to overlook them. We perform the technology trials on your behalf and provide you with our findings upon execution of comprehensive tests.

SDM Implementation Planning and Advice

Utilizing our extensive deployment experience, we prepare a phased migration plan, that is best for your silo legacy applications, into a unified data store. We will consider performance requiements, CAPEX, OPEX, and other business metrics.

We guide you through best practices and common pitfalls to ensure a successful and robust Application Integration and Implementation.

R&D Services

With our proven record for innovation, we take any idea and turn it into a viable solution. We will start with your ideas, develop the concept details, perform the research and feasibility analysis, define requirements and design and build a prototype. The proof of concept will be presented to you along with the test results, all within a reasonably short period of time so as to provide you with all the necessary data, on time and within budget, before the opportunity loses its 'currency'.

© 2018 SPUG & SPUG Global LLC.